
Safety Training in Work at Height NR 35 | EAD | Live | 10044

Our theoretical and practical NR 35 Work at Height Training establishes requirements and protective measures for working at height, involving planning, organization and execution, in order to guarantee the safety and health of the workers involved directly or indirectly with the activity.

The Course

Safety Training in Work at Height NR 35
Our theoretical and practical NR 35 Work at Height Training establishes requirements and protective measures for working at height, involving planning, organization and execution, in order to guarantee the safety and health of the workers involved directly or indirectly with the activity.

What is Work At Height?
Working at height are all activities performed over 2 meters and with falling risk.

Conteúdo Programático Normativo

A) standards and regulations applicable to work at height;
B) Analysis of Risk and impeding conditions of work at height;
C) potential risks inherent in working at height and measures of prevention and control;
D) collective protection systems, equipment and procedures;
E) Individual Protection Equipment for working at height: selection, inspection, conservation and limitation of use;
F) typical accidents in work at height;
G) conducts in emergency situations, including notions of rescue techniques and first aid in working at heights;
A) change in procedures, conditions or work operations;
B) event that indicates the need for new training;
C) return to work for a period of more than ninety days;
D) change of company;
Practical Exercises;
Perception Risk and Facts inflicted on people;
Safety Impact and Behavior Facts;
Fear Fact;
Risk Habituation and Consequences;
The matter and knowledge of task;
Knowledge of Ergonomic;
Work Station Analysis;
Ergonomics Risk;
Final Test Teory and Practical;
Participation Certification.

Add-ons for Machines and Equipment when applicable:
Awareness of Importance:

Machine or Equipment Operation Instruction Manual;
Inspection and Maintenance Plan for the Machine or Equipment according to NR 12;
Technical Report with ART of the Machine or Equipment according to NR 12;
Load Test (with ART) according to NR 12;
END (Non-Destructive Testing) according to NR 12;
Electrical Tests NR 10;
Machinery and Equipment Tagging;
RETROFIT – Modernization Process;
Daily Checklist;
One-off or cyclical maintenance.

Activity Complements:
Awareness of Importance:

APR (Preliminary Risk Analysis);
PAE (Emergency Action Plan;
PGR (Risk Management Plan);
Understanding the need for the Rescue Team;
The importance of knowledge of the task;
Prevention of accidents and notions of first aid;
Fire protection;
Perception of risks and factors that affect people’s perceptions;
Impact and behavioral factors on safety;
Fear factor;
How to discover the fastest and easiest way to develop Skills;
How to control the mind while working;
How to manage and manage working time;
Why balance energy during activity in order to obtain productivity;
Consequences of Risk Habituation;
Causes of accidents at work;
Understanding Tree of Causes;
Understanding Fault Tree;
Understandings on Ergonomics;
Workstation Analysis;
Ergonomic Risks;
Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) – OSHA;

Practical Exercises:
Evidence Record;
Theoretical and Practical Evaluation;
Certificate of participation.



Consideramos importante ter a flexibilidade para modificar o Conteúdo Programático Normativo Geral de qualquer Curso, Treinamento, Relatório Técnico, Projetos e demais serviços, se considerado necessário. Essas alterações podem incluir: Atualizações, Adições ou Exclusões.
Nossa Equipe Pedagógica e Multidisciplinar tem o direito de fazer essas modificações. Este direito se estende a:
- Mudança dos itens do escopo normativo;
- Inserção de novas Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos;
- Exclusão de Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos existentes.

Embora a atualização do Conteúdo Programático Normativo seja da nossa responsabilidade, esperamos que o contratante (seja este um indivíduo ou organização), cumpra todas as legislações pertinentes relacionadas. Portanto, os contratantes devem realizar as devidas aplicações e atendimentos conforme as leis e decretos aplicáveis.

NOTA: As Normas e Regulamentos, suas atualizações e substituições poderão sofrer alterações até a presente data.


Nosso Diferencial

Nosso Diferencial

O nosso projeto pedagógico segue as diretrizes impostas pela Norma Regulamentadora nº1.

Nossos Cursos Incluem: Projeto Pedagógico, Plataforma Monitorada com Controle de Acessos e 04 Responsáveis Técnicos PLH.

Para conhecer o diferencial do nosso site, Clique aqui!

Safety Training in Work at Height NR 35 | EAD | Live | 10044

Por Aluno/Grupo


Validade Biennial

