
Course Work Height English | Training | EAD | Presential | Live | Online | 5337

Working at Height in compliance with regulatory and technical standards, aims to establish requirements and protective measures for work at height, involving planning, organization and execution, in order to ensure the safety and health of the workers directly involved or indirectly with the activity and preserve ...


Technical Name: NR 35 Training - Safety in Working at Height

Reference: 5337

Course NR-35 - In English
Working at Height in compliance with regulatory and technical standards, aims to establish requirements and protective measures for work at height, involving planning, organization and execution, in order to ensure the safety and health of the workers directly involved or indirectly with the activity and preserve the heritage.

What is Work at Height?
According to the MTE (Ministry of Labor and Employment), work at height is considered any activity performed above 2 meters from the floor and that there is a risk of falling, that is, all services involving the use of stairs, platforms, scaffolding and the like receive this appellation.

This NR aims to establish the minimum requirements and protective measures for working at heights, involving the planning, organization and execution of the work, to ensure the safety and health of workers involved directly or indirectly with the activity.
The Ordinance has also about the responsibilities of the employer and employees; training; planning, organization and implementation; and personal protective equipment, accessories and mooring systems.

Conteúdo Programático Normativo

Protective Equipment:
Goals and Fields of Application;
Use, Conservation and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
Collective and individual protection equipments, to reduce impact and fall factors;
Risk of falling of materials and tools;
Practical presentation of safety equipments, for what purpose they are produced, and how to use their strengths and weaknesses;
Communication Systems.
Safety Course and Health at Work in English
Security procedures at Work:
Planning, organization and execution of work;
Routine operational procedures of working at heights;
Requirements and documents needed to certify fitness to work at height;
Minimum Security Requirements;
Responsibilities of the height team supervisor;
Specific risks of simultaneous work;
Potential risks inherent in working at heights and measures to prevent and control;
Requirements for hiring the Rescue Team;
Protective measures for working at heights,
Isolation methods and signaling the work area;
Security System as slopes (slopes and inclines, etc.)
Practical Assisted Training of difficulties encountered in daily work
Structural Workplace Assessment
Safety Course and Health at Work in English
Preliminary Risk Analysis (PRA);
Preparation of PRA and relevant considerations;
Risk Analysis and impeding working conditions;
Weather and other external influences that may alterthe execution of the service conditions;
Work Permit - WP:
Responsible for authorization;
Vertical Hierarchy permission to work at height.
Safety Course and Health at Work in English
Basic Rescue Techniques at Heights:
Energy absorbers;
Typical accidents;
Self-rescue; (Sked stretcher and basket hoisting)
Pipelines in emergency situations;
Physiological damage caused by falls;
Descent and victim hoisting with and without litter;
Horizontal displacement and access to places away from the stairs;
Fall arrest devices;
Establishment of systems and anchor points;
Fall Factor and impact strength;
With hoisting cable guide;
Basic Techniques and Planning Rescue at Heights;
Knots Fixation
Rappel Notions (practice vertical lifeline and falls locks)
Organized rescue and transfer lines, simulations with drivers assembly.
Anchoring System (attachment points);
Counter weight Systems; (Pulleys)
Load Reduction Systems Pulleys;
Climbdown Security Systems (brakes and knots security);
Ascent Security Systems;
Basic First Aid;
Practical Exercises;
Perception Risk and Facts inflicted on people;
Safety Impact and Behavior Facts;
Fear Fact;
Risk Habituation and Consequences;
The matter and knowledge of task;
Knowledge of Ergonomic;
Work Station Analysis;
Ergonomics Risk;
Final Test Teory and Practical;
Participation Certification;



Consideramos importante ter a flexibilidade para modificar o Conteúdo Programático Normativo Geral de qualquer Curso, Treinamento, Relatório Técnico, Projetos e demais serviços, se considerado necessário. Essas alterações podem incluir: Atualizações, Adições ou Exclusões.
Nossa Equipe Pedagógica e Multidisciplinar tem o direito de fazer essas modificações. Este direito se estende a:
- Mudança dos itens do escopo normativo;
- Inserção de novas Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos;
- Exclusão de Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos existentes.

Embora a atualização do Conteúdo Programático Normativo seja da nossa responsabilidade, esperamos que o contratante (seja este um indivíduo ou organização), cumpra todas as legislações pertinentes relacionadas. Portanto, os contratantes devem realizar as devidas aplicações e atendimentos conforme as leis e decretos aplicáveis.

NOTA: As Normas e Regulamentos, suas atualizações e substituições poderão sofrer alterações até a presente data.


Nosso Diferencial

Nosso Diferencial

O nosso projeto pedagógico segue as diretrizes impostas pela Norma Regulamentadora nº1.

Nossos Cursos Incluem: Projeto Pedagógico, Plataforma Monitorada com Controle de Acessos e 04 Responsáveis Técnicos PLH.

Para conhecer o diferencial do nosso site, Clique aqui!

Course Work Height English | Training | EAD | Presential | Live | Online | 5337

Por Aluno/Grupo


Validade Biennial

08 Hours
